Monday, December 26, 2005

More Christmas Cracker Jokes...

Q: What's the difference between a lighthouse keeper, a thief and a pot of glue?

A: One watches over seas, ones seizes watches and the pot of glue ... Ah, that's where you get stuck


Q: What's the difference between a railway shed and a tree?

A: One leaves it's shed and the other sheds it's leaves.


"Daddy, Daddy, there's a man at the door with a bill"
"Don't be silly son - it must be a duck with a suit on!"


Q: Who invented fire?

A: Oh, some bright spark!


Q: Where does a dog go when he loses his tail?

A: To a re-TAILER!


Q: What do you get every year on your birthday?

A: a year older!

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